Tvång – en lönsam industri. Han tjänade 223 miljoner på ungdomshem i Sverige


Tvång – en lönsam industri. Han tjänade 223 miljoner på ungdomshem i Sverige

Tvång – en lönsam industri. Han tjänade 223 miljoner på ungdomshem i Sverige
the Swedish Wallenberg family is said to expand its foster home business in Norway aggressively:
“In Sweden alone, the sphere [the Wallenberg family] was estimated to indirectly control about A THIRD of the national GDP in 1990.”

Now the former justice minister of Sweden and CIA lapdog Thomas Bodström from the Social Democratic Labour party defends his corrupt and tax evader party member Jan Emanuel Johansson. That is the function of politicians—protecting their own corrupt and tax evader friends, not protecting the interests of the public. 

Jan Emanuel Johansson earned 223 million SEK (34 000 000 USD) from his foster home business. Can you see the CONNECTION among the Social Democratic Labour party, the social service bosses, and tens of thousands of innocent children abducted from innocent families? 

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED why the government and social service bosses DO NOTHING even though they know about these pandemic human rights abuses?

The government only performs a lip service but has no intention whatsoever to stop the pandemic abuses because stopping the abuses means stopping their own income and revealing their true identity as the wolves in sheep’s clothing. Sweden is run by the government and business mafia. Politicians are businessmen. Businessmen are politicians.

The current trend is to target children from immigrant families and refugee kids because they are easier targets than white Swedish single mothers who at least can speak Swedish. Jan Emanuel Johansson also takes unaccompanied refugee kids to live at his foster homes.

To the international community, the Nobel Peace Prize country Sweden seems like a “generous and loving” country receiving refugee kids, but behind this lies a big multi-billion-dollar foster home business. Unaccompanied refugee kids provides easy money for the foster homes, and the social service workers do not have to work hard writing false reports slandering innocent parents. Children organizations also help filling the foster homes with these refugee kids. That is why the high-ranking people from these organizations just keep quiet about the pandemic social service abuse and corruption because they are also part of the game.

This is how Jan Emanuel Johansson made his fortune from 0 to a quarter billion SEK (34 000 000 USD) in just ten years. Thanks to the cronyism in the Swedish Social Democratic Labour party.

“[Google translation] His company made a profit of at least a quarter of a billion last year, writes Norrtelje newspaper, after the sale of group companies. Then had nine of his 15 companies joined forces with healthcare group Frösunda Social Care AB. Companies have had, among other so-called HVB foster homes throughout Sweden. There, young people with problems such as addiction and crime cared. The companies have also had accommodations for unaccompanied refugee children.

Hans företag gjorde en vinst på minst en kvarts miljard kronor förra året, skriver Norrtelje Tidning, efter försäljning av koncernföretag. Då hade nio av hans 15 bolag gått samman med vårdkoncernen Frösunda Social Omsorg AB. Företagen har bland annat haft så kallade HVB-hem runtom i Sverige. Där har ungdomar med problem som missbruk och kriminalitet vårdats. Bolagen har även haft boenden för ensamkommande flyktingbarn [parentless refugee children].”

The True face of Sweden, Album, FB

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1 Mariyka Tomova   (12.03.2014 00:38)
deras krig brukar sluta på Sluten avdelning och på järnpreparering mot polit-disidenter och obekvämma-konfliktbenägna, efter deras benämningar, personer. Det är oftast kritiskt eller tänkande individer som hävdar sina medborgerliga rättigheter eller rättigheter i en tvist med myndigheterna. Som i Mitt fall Försäkringskassan i 10 år fuskade bort mina reumatiska diagnoser mot påhittade stress, fibromyalgy, smärtsyndrom etc skit som inte alls handlar om i läkarintygen.



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